turnstone$537183$ - meaning and definition. What is turnstone$537183$
Online Dictionary

What (who) is turnstone$537183$ - definition

Arenaria melanocephala; Black Turnstone
  • Winter-plumaged bird in California.
  • Black Turnstone in [[Humboldt County, California]].

  • Ruddy turnstone in breeding plumage
  • Black turnstone in summer plumage
Arenaria (bird); Arenaria intepres; Strepsialis; Strepsilas; Strepsilus; Stripsilas; Stripselas
·noun Any species of limicoline birds of the genera Strepsilas and Arenaria, allied to the plovers, especially the common American and European species (Strepsilas interpres). They are so called from their habit of turning up small stones in search of mollusks and other aquatic animals. Called also brant bird, sand runner, sea quail, sea lark, sparkback, and skirlcrake.
  • Ruddy turnstone in breeding plumage
  • Black turnstone in summer plumage
Arenaria (bird); Arenaria intepres; Strepsialis; Strepsilas; Strepsilus; Stripsilas; Stripselas
¦ noun a small short-billed sandpiper noted for turning over stones to find small animals. [Genus Arenaria: two species.]
Turnstone Flats         
  • right
  • Back side of the building
  • Entrance Series
  • Interior of the atrium
  • Side profile of the building
Turnstone Flats is a property in the northwest United States, located on the southeast corner of Third and Jackson streets in Moscow, Idaho. The building that stands on the corner was built as a headquarters for a religion called Psychiana.


Black turnstone

The black turnstone (Arenaria melanocephala) is a species of small wading bird. It is one of two species of turnstone in the genus Arenaria the ruddy turnstone (A. interpres) being the other. It is now classified in the sandpiper family, Scolopacidae, but was formerly sometimes placed in the plover family, Charadriidae. It is native to the west coast of North America and breeds only in Alaska.